The video is based on this interview with "Wilma" from 2007.
C: What would you say evokes the violence?
W: It often happens in connection with drugs, but not always.
C: So the drugs are necessarily not the evocative factor, am I right?3
W: Yes I think so.
C: Do you remember what you have done afterwards?
W: Most of the time I do, yes.
C: So you would not say that you experience blackouts in the moment of the violent action?
W: Well in a way I’m, you know present but it also sometimes feels like I loose contact with myself in a way, you know.
When I’m started there’s nothing that can stop me, it’s an enormous rush, way beyond comprehension in a way.
C: So dose this detachment, you say you experience, from your self, mean that you don’t feel responsible for the action?
W: I know what I have done most of the time and when it’s my fault I guess I’m the one to blame, and also the one to be punished, so I do take responsibility.
C: When it comes to the punishment, how do you feel that the court handles your situation? Or said in another way, how does it feel to encounter the court?
W: It depends on the situation, but most of the time I feels ok, it’s a procedure that you have to go through and in my case it’s mostly for my benefit.
C: What do you mean by that?
W: Just that the court often have a predetermined understanding of the case.
C: Ok, once again, what do you mean by that?
W: It’s just a feeling.
C: So it’s not connected to the outcome of the trial, it’s just a feeling based on the way you are meet in court? Or?
W: Well, maybe they assume that certain things have happened without being really sure.
C: And these things they assume has happened work for your benefit?
W: (no answer).
C: So the understanding is not based on what really happened in your case, it’s just mere assumptions?
W: Yes, in a way.
C: Ok, let me ask you something else, have you ever lied in court or have you ever blamed some else for your actions?
W: There might have been situations were some of the facts have been twisted.
C: And do you, your self, encourage these changes of truth?
W: You might say that I encourage to these changes but it would not have been possible without the help of the court and the jury, you know. They sort of support my story. They are kind of tuned in on a traditional way of thinking.
C: Do you see your self as a victim?
W: I never see my self as a victim.
C: Ok, but let me ask you; do you ever feel victimized?
W: (no answer).